Monday, April 27, 2020


Week 1 - Circulation Cross and Massing Element

Circulation Cross

One Point Perspective Drawings 

SketchUp Model 

Missing: Lumion (one image)
Comment: I wasn't able to get Lumion or any other rendering software since both my desktop and Macbook weren't able to open/download the software. 

News Article: Junya Ishigami: 'I want to make the sky' 

Source:  Wainwright, O 2018, ' Junya Ishigami: 'I want to make the sky'', The Guardian, 3 April, viewed 3 April 2020, < >.

"So it comes as a surprise to learn that this structural alchemist and defier of physics is now erecting substantial structures around the world.."
"He’s surrounded by fragments from his fairytale worlds.. "
"Children, and how they see the world, are a constant inspiration to Ishigami, in his mission to free himself from preconceived notions. "
"Ishigami has come the closest to weightlessness yet."

For humans, to capture movement we have to understand that there is an element of weightlessness to it; that is, we're limited only by our preconceived notions. Architects must take on a role as an alchemist, extracting fragments from both fantasy and scientific principles to not only capture, but create movement. 

Week 2- Architectural Plan

Transforming a plan 

Original Attempt: Zaha Hadid's Riverside Museum Plan

First attempt at a transformed plan
I tried to incorporate more organic shapes to the plan, lessening the sharper edges from the original plan to create a sense of fluidity. However, upon further reflection I realised that I didn't really like the top shape of the map. 
Second attempt
With this, I was just playing around with shapes. My plan is to use this shape but fragment it between different levels of my bridge.

Final Plan: Peter Zumthor's church

Comments: I decided to choose another plan, creating my own spaces using the curved figure of Zumthor's church. I tried to use as much as the straight markings for my rooms to contrast the curvature of the architecture. When assembled the architecture is meant to create a shape similar to Zumthor's, except with an additional element protruding outwards located on the second floor. The numerous floors work with my theory to convey the weightlessness and movement of the building, accessed by ramps. 

SketchUp Model

Draft Model

Comments: This is a basic draft of my model without any of its rooms. I intend to cut off part of the base to make it more bridge like in shape since the first floor is raise a few metres above the ground.

Self- Directed Tutorial

Two Animated Gifs

Axonometric Gif 

Two-point Perspective

Comment: The gifs were unable to load onto the blog. 

Week 3- Textures 

6 Textures

Comments: One moving element I plan to make is shifting tiles on the second floor. This is to let in more sunlight for the first. There will be two layers: One being glass and the other the tiles underneath which rotate/ flip vertically to allow more sunlight to be filtered in.

Applied textures on model 

First Texture: 

Second Texture:  

The texture works to conceal the lecture room despite the absence of a door

 Third Texture: 

Moving Elements 

First moving element: Flipping tiles 

The top white steel tiles that crown the glass structure can flip downwards, exposing occupants to more sunlight, depending on the time of day. Alternatively, it provides some shade within some of the classrooms.  They also provide better insulation during winter. This combines the idea of science with a bit of fairytale, taking inspiration from vines crawling up ancient towers and castles. 

Second Moving element: Sliding glass

The sliding glass panels in the library diffuse the sunlight filtering from the floor to ceiling glass walls. This, coupled with the vertical garden, provides a cool area for students to read within the library. It contrasts the opposite side of the library, across the bridge, which is completely exposed to natural lighting. They're a hybrid curtain, not completely blocking out the light streaming in. 

Final Design

As occupants ascend the bridge, the spaces and rooms have access to more natural light. Thus, the lecture rooms and computer labs are all located on the second floor whilst the gallery is located on the top, building anticipation. Plants are incorporated as a cooling system, but also to reflect the organic nature of the bridge’s shape. This references the theory, combining natural elements with manufactured to produce a model that resembles a wave.

Model: Uploaded to 3D Warehouse under "ARCH1101_Assignment2_TheBridge_CallistaCYWong"

Assessment Criteria

Theory (5%): does the recombination of 3-5 key words suggest a distinctive and significant theory?
The axonometric diagram and sketch perspectives (25%): do these representations communicate a distinctive and significant approach the student has taken with respect to their theory, circulation and inhabitation?
The custom textures (10%): do the custom textures demonstrate inquiry and experimentation with respect to ideas of movement?
The moving elements (10%): do the moving elements demonstrate a distinctive, significant and formally evocative approach to the students theory?
The architecture (50%): do the image captures and animated film demonstrate that the student has thought about the relative size of each element, what their proportions are, their orientation, what paths they facilitate, how texture and color map over their surfaces to establish a strong, conceptually driven, response to the students theory?

Saturday, April 4, 2020

EXP 2: Week 1

Circulation Cross

One Point Perspective Drawings 

SketchUp Model 


News Article: Junya Ishigami: 'I want to make the sky' 

Source:  Wainwright, O 2018, ' Junya Ishigami: 'I want to make the sky'', The Guardian, 3 April, viewed 3 April 2020, < >.

"So it comes as a surprise to learn that this structural alchemist and defier of physics is now erecting substantial structures around the world.."
"He’s surrounded by fragments from his fairytale worlds.. "
"Children, and how they see the world, are a constant inspiration to Ishigami, in his mission to free himself from preconceived notions. "
"Ishigami has come the closest to weightlessness yet."

For humans, to capture movement we have to understand that there is an element of weightlessness to it; that is, we're limited only by our preconceived notions. Architects must take on a role as an alchemist, extracting fragments from both fantasy and scientific principles to not only capture, but create movement.